Destan Pool
-The Journey-
A few photos from along the way!
The discovery – After a tip off from a fishing colleague, the pond was found and a deal done!
Overgrown and barely passable in some places. The mature pool had been there for a while. There was also evidence of fishing pegs in the margins.
Carp in the 2-5lb range were spotted near surface of lake as it was a warm(ish!) summers day. The margins were alive with small, mostly roach.
It was a promising first impression!

The site is now completely fenced off from the surrounding countryside, providing a secure area for you to fish. All fences are 1.8M tall and all gates are lockable to keep human and other trespassers out whilst you are fishing. A big undertaking, but I think as you can see , a nice job was done and was worthwhile.
Time to sort out the lakes existing inhabitants, get the water fully tested and get some fish ordered. Whilst the water looked a bit cloudy, the test came back and even surprised the water tester. So much so, he did them again next time he came! Water quality is high, oxygenation is high and contaminants are exceptionally low.
A bit of too and froing with the Fisheries agency, and a couple of fish transfer and stocking permits later. We were set to go. We netted the lake of as many fish as possible and moved a few hundred pounds of silver fish to a nearby lake as per the permit. There may still be a few surprises in there as the lake has quite a few dips, holes and sheltered areas that a new could just not reach.
An order to VS Fishers and over 80 C4, C5 and C6 fish we delivered to the lake. Some mid twenties with the majority in the mid-to high teens on stocking plus a few bonus fish from Mark Simmonds at a later date, again all in the up teens. 100 fish in total! A few photos here. Not all but we hope to see them all caught and putting on a few pounds each time!