Frequently Asked Questions

Just outside Bridgnorth, Shropshire


It is 1.5 acres


 No, not at this time. It’s exclusive hire. 

95 fish have been stocked. The smallest was 1 ounce under 10lb.  The majority are in the mid teens. The are some over 20lb (10) and a 28lb and 31lb ghostie as recent additions.  This was at stocking. We have been feeding them over winter! 

 At the moment, the lake can be hired from 1200 Friday to 1000 Monday for the weekend – or – Monday 1200 to Friday 1000. Or you can book it for a whole week. – Mon-Mon or Fri to Fri 

The are 6 pre-cut swims

Ideally 3 anglers can fish the lake but if you are organised a 4th can be accommodated. 

 £350 for 3 anglers and £450 for 4 ( as of 1st May 2022). The whole week is £650 for  3 anglers. 

Go to the booking page on the website and select your free date. This will launch the booking system allowing you to select allowed periods from the date of selection 

You can pay online using PayPal or credit debit cards. (We may introduce further options in the future). With your booking you need to pay a 20% deposit. 

You will get a reminder 6 weeks prior to the start of your booking. This should be paid asap. You will also get a reminder at 5 weeks prior. We are sorry to nag, but we are a small business and would really appreciate prompt payment. 

if you need to cancel, you should email at the earliest opportunity. Depending on the closeness to your booking, we will refund your deposit minus an admin fee (as per Terms and conditions). No deposit will be refunded if cancellation is within 2 weeks. However, in all cases, we may be able to move your booking providing you pay the balance.

The angling party should not allow visitors on site whilst they are fishing. Its an angling venue and is insured as such. If you are in any doubt, contact the owners for further advice. We don’t want to be overly draconian, but we do need to protect you and the pool. Enjoy your fishing in isolation. You’ll see them when you get back, hopefully with stories of the one that didnt get away! 🙂

Yes, but all youngsters under the  age of 15 should be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Yes, you can bring your dog but it must remain with the fenced pool area at all times as the surrounding fields are part of working farms, some of which contain livestock. You are solely responsible for the well being of the dog and we cannot be 100% certain that there are no plants, poisonous to dogs on the site.

There are a couple of bins around the site but each peg should have a plastic bag tied into the fence by it. This is for you to use to store your rubbish. You may place the plastic bag in the bin if you wish it is more convenient. At the end of your fishing trip, you should take your rubbish away with you. No rubbish should be left on site. If you need more bags, they are stored with the toilet.

Yes, we sell Munch baits on the site. In fact, we supplement the fishes diet over the winter with multiple Munch Bait products. You can purchase you bait and it will be delivered to you at your peg on your first day of fishing. Whilst we do hold some stock at our home, we do not necessarily have the whole range so we need 10 days notice prior to your visit in order to get fresh stock directly from Munch baits.

Yes, there is a chemical toilet that is regularly pumped. There is a brush and hand sanitiser along with toilet paper.


Absolutely NOT! To maintainfish health you must only use nets, slings and cradles provided by us. You should leave all of your nets, slings and cradles in the car and they should not be brought onsite within the fenced area. Carp sacks, in any form, are not allowed. Fish should not be stored in any form of net beyond what is required to land them, photograph them and return them to the water.


Each of the pegs will be provided with a small bottle of Propolis to treat minor wounds on fish. This should be left with nets on your departure. If the damage is severe or you are concerned, please take a photograph and report it the owners at the earliest opportunity. Fish health is of great importance to us as they are our selling point! We want them to have a long, happy and healthly life.

As you may have noticed, we dont put the postcode on the website. We want this site to remain secluded and private for as long as possible and ask our guest to keep the location to themselves when they leave.  After you have booked and your final payments have been received, 1 week before your booking, you will receive a set of direction with instruction of how to get there and how to access the site. A day or so before the booking, you will be texted the gate codes. We leave this late in case the code change as the farmer control the codes to the outer gates. Please dont visit beforehand as other may be fishing and they’ve hired the lake for themselves so please respect their privacy.

Yes, it is our intention meet all of our new guests. Returning guest will have the option of a meet and greet (and possibly bait delivery)

Lets keep this place a secret for those who fish it.


You will be provided with contact details of the owners should you need to get hold of someone

Yes, we encourage it. However, we ask that you do use geolocation on your photos. Lets keep the location secret. Be sure to tag #destanpool. For our records, and so we can monitor fish health and growth, please send photos to We’d like to keep an eye on our boys and girls!

Please photograph both sides of the fish if you can.

The only people you shoul dpossibly meet on your booking, is the owners, the farmer (unlikely) or you may encounter a dog walker from across the fields (Jim …. although he will always be outside the fence). There is a public footpath that crosses the top of the field behind the car park. 

If anyone attempts to enter the lake, you should ask them to leave as its private property.


Hopefully you will be leaving happily exhausted from the fishing 🙂  On departure, you should return the barrows to the entrance area, ensure you have taken all of your rubbish with you. You should ensure that all gates are locked  and lock the toilet door. Ensure that the nets, cradles slings and Propolis are left behind in neat order on the pegs.

Please be wary when leaving as this is a working farm. There may be  farm vehicles out and about.


Please ensure the farm gate to the road is also locked when you depart.

The fishery is new and we will be adding more facilities over time. Each angler should have a log burner and there are a couple of bins. There are also a couple of picnic benches around the lake for use.

No, not at this time.

No, absolutely not. There are some very steep drop offs very close to the bank. Wading is forbidden.


No. Carp sacks are not permitted. Fish health is our number 1 priority.


The boat is for pool maintenance. Guests must NOT use the boat under any circumstances. Seriously, no boat usage…

We dont mind you using bait boats though!


If the lake is frozen on your arrival (we will try and contact you beforehand anyway if we are able) you will have the option to either move the date to another time or receive  a full refund.

If it freezes whilst you are there will refund based on time remaining of your booking.